8 July 2011

Fatigue – London to Paris Bike Ride Part 2

A word that means the same in England as it does in France! It's always good when communication is made easy. Though 'fatigue' in France is taking on more meaning and is certainly more acute.

Day Two of the Help for Heroes ride to Paris took us from Calais to Abbeville. Although promised that the first day would be the hardest, that was not the truth. Headwinds and 'undulations' made for a hard day's riding. The upside is that the French roads are not as riddled with pot holes as the English and the French motorists have respect for the velo and give plenty of room. The other source of fortification comes from the tabacs.  These offer welcome opportunities to take on fluids!

I recommend the Pelforth for long climbs, the Kronenberg for flat roads and Stella Artois only for downhill, obviously.

Muesli bars (I already hate the sight of them) 4. Bananas 3. Flies 2 ( due to gapping mouth). Sore neck 1.
Keith Brookbank, Linstock Communications
Anyone wishing to donate to Help for Heroes please follow this link.

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