11 July 2011

Comfortably Numb – London to Paris Bike Ride Part 3

Egalite! Fraternite! Pharmacie! In the true tradition of the other cycle tour through France, when the going gets tough, riders reach for the medicine cabinet.

On day three of the ride, taking us 65 miles from Abbeville to Beauvais, cocktails of paracetamol, ibuprofen and codine take the sting out of aching legs and backs. Strapping is applied to aid knee strains and Vaseline... well sometimes you can give too much detail!

The duality of French hospitality was evident on day three: in one tabac locals invite a reporter from The Times to the Discotheque, in another, upon asking for four enticing bottles of ice cold Cokes, the fridge door is slammed shut with a sharp, "these are not for you".

Riding across northern France we come across poppy fields in full vivid bloom. My Grandfather fought in the 'Great War' in the Somme region, so some time to lower the cadence, pause and think.
The painkiller of choice has to be pastis. A sharp liquid aniseed snap adds some much needed steel in the legs and we push on through to Beauvais. Bananas 2. Cereal bars 5. Flies 1 (inhaled).

And now to Paris!

Keith Brookbank, Linstock Comunications

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